domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009


I think that be chilean is a feature that goes beyond that born in Chile, integrates an entire culture that has been growing since many years ago, which is based in traditions , customs, rites and mythology that have reflect fully the origins about our country.
Between the things that more identify our culture are some traditions; how play rayuela, raise "volantines", dance cueca, our national dance. Also we have lot mythology along the country, for example in Chiloe.

Some main characteristics that are attributable at chileans are be unpunctual, kind when we receive some foreinger but when they come from Bolivia o especially from Perú, we don`t characterize for be polite. About this aspect we must be ashamed.

Referring at 11th of september, the events that occurred in this date, don`t affect me directly, because in my family doesn`t occurred greatest misfortunes. But I think that is a event very importanat becaused marked the country and guided the way that followed later that . And we can`t forget many deaths that occurred on that date and the political changes that experiment the country which affected to the population, some people supports this changes and other people don`t. This opinions generate many conflicts today.

sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2009

My opinion of Transantiago isn´t clear because it have pros and cons.

This new system is better in the aspect of money spent to take many locomotion, on log trips can save much, if is in the range of time when you dont´t have to pay another extra locomotion.

But is worse because is very slow the frecuency of buses so have to wait a long time for each bus and you have to spend much time that could be used in something useful, for locomotion.

My experience with the new system is better whit the time, it has become comfortable because each person have a little more space when travel, isn´t so tight, for example in the metro. And it have ventilation because it have fans in some stations.

The changes that I would do are apply new forms of pay, because if you don´t have money in the bip card and where you are isn´t any place for load it, you can´t travel.

Also I would increase the surveillance to ensure that all travelers pay and decrease the theft especially inside the buses.

I think that this system still have some shortcomings but I hope that the government achieve solve it.

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009

A country I would like to visit.

I like to go to Egypt. Since I was in the college and I listened about Egypt in history, I found it very interesting, also the culture and mythology like me so much.

I would like go for tourism, but not to study or to live there, because I don´t know how is the education and is a country very different from Chile, in all aspects.

About this country I know things that happened in the past, the culture and old buildings, for example the pyramids.

I would like know how the pyramids and the sphinx were built, without heavy equipment or the actual technology, and I want to see how are they really, what is their real size.

Also I want see the ancient paintings in many different places whit its unique colors and the features representations of people, animals and gods. I like see the glyphs too, to see the fine details of its different figures. However all this would be much better with explanations of tourist guides.

Other place I want to know is the river Nile, the river that sustained and made possible the development of this interesting civilization in the desert.

I hope to know this place someday and can enrich my life with this beautiful memory.