sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2009

My opinion of Transantiago isn´t clear because it have pros and cons.

This new system is better in the aspect of money spent to take many locomotion, on log trips can save much, if is in the range of time when you dont´t have to pay another extra locomotion.

But is worse because is very slow the frecuency of buses so have to wait a long time for each bus and you have to spend much time that could be used in something useful, for locomotion.

My experience with the new system is better whit the time, it has become comfortable because each person have a little more space when travel, isn´t so tight, for example in the metro. And it have ventilation because it have fans in some stations.

The changes that I would do are apply new forms of pay, because if you don´t have money in the bip card and where you are isn´t any place for load it, you can´t travel.

Also I would increase the surveillance to ensure that all travelers pay and decrease the theft especially inside the buses.

I think that this system still have some shortcomings but I hope that the government achieve solve it.

2 comentarios:

  1. My opinion of Transantiago isn´t clear because it have pros and cons.

    WW locomotion, on log trips can save much, if is in the range of time when you dont´t have to pay another extra locomotion.

    But ^ is worse because is very slow the frecuency of buses so have to wait a long time for each bus and you have to spend much time that could be used in something useful, for WW locomotion.

    My experience with the new system is better whit the time, it has become comfortable because each person SVA have a little more space when travel, isn´t so tight, for example in the WW metro. And it SVA have ventilation because it have fans in some stations.

    The changes that I would do are apply new forms of pay, because if you don´t have money in the bip card and where you are isn´t any place for load it, you can´t travel.

    Also I would increase the surveillance to ensure that all travelers pay and decrease the theft especially inside the buses.

    I think that this system still SVA have some shortcomings but I hope that the government achieve solve it.

    ok let's ray for it, I think only time can say that.
    Pay attention to third person, i.e. it has, she does, etc ok?
    more development I think


    p.s. you got a 5.5

  2. My opinion of Transantiago isn´t clear because it have pros and cons. This new system is better in the aspect of money spent to take many transportation, on long trips can save much, if is in the range of time when you dont´t have to pay another extra locomotion.
    But it is worse because is very slow the frecuency of buses so have to wait a long time for each bus and you have to spend much time that could be used in something useful, for transportation.
    My experience with the new system is better whit the time, it has become comfortable because each person has a little more space when travel, isn´t so tight, for example in the underground. And it has ventilation because it have fans in some stations.
    The changes that I would do are apply new forms of pay, because if you don´t have money in the Bip card and where you are isn´t any place for load it, you can´t travel.
    Also I would increase the surveillance to ensure that all travelers pay and decrease the theft especially inside the buses.
    I think that this system still has some shortcomings but I hope that the government achieve solve it.
