domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009


I think that be chilean is a feature that goes beyond that born in Chile, integrates an entire culture that has been growing since many years ago, which is based in traditions , customs, rites and mythology that have reflect fully the origins about our country.
Between the things that more identify our culture are some traditions; how play rayuela, raise "volantines", dance cueca, our national dance. Also we have lot mythology along the country, for example in Chiloe.

Some main characteristics that are attributable at chileans are be unpunctual, kind when we receive some foreinger but when they come from Bolivia o especially from Perú, we don`t characterize for be polite. About this aspect we must be ashamed.

Referring at 11th of september, the events that occurred in this date, don`t affect me directly, because in my family doesn`t occurred greatest misfortunes. But I think that is a event very importanat becaused marked the country and guided the way that followed later that . And we can`t forget many deaths that occurred on that date and the political changes that experiment the country which affected to the population, some people supports this changes and other people don`t. This opinions generate many conflicts today.

2 comentarios:

  1. I think that be CAPS chilean is a feature that goes beyond that ^ born in Chile, integrates an entire culture that has been growing since many years ago, which is based in traditions , customs, rites and mythology that have reflect fully the origins about our country.
    Between the things that more identify our culture are some traditions; how play rayuela, raise "volantines", dance cueca, our national dance. Also we have lot mythology along the country, for example in Chiloe.

    Some main characteristics that are attributable at chileans are be unpunctual, kind when we receive some foreinger but when they come from Bolivia o especially from Perú, we don`t characterize for be polite. About this aspect we must be ashamed.

    Referring at 11th of september, the events that occurred in this date, don`t affect me directly, because in my family doesn`t occurred greatest misfortunes. But I think that is a event very SP importanat SP becaused marked the country and guided the way that followed later that . And we can`t forget many deaths that occurred on that date and the political changes that experiment the country which affected to the population, some people supports this changes and other people don`t. WF This opinions generate many conflicts today.

    well done!!
    remember the connectors... Besides, if you establish an example such as Chiloe, you need to develop it a bit more ok?
    p.s. you got a 5.5

  2. I think that being Chilean is a feature that goes beyond that being born in Chile, integrates an entire culture that has been growing since many years ago, which is based in traditions , customs, rites and mythology that have reflect fully the origins about our country.
    Between the things that more identify our culture are some traditions; how play rayuela, raise "volantines", dance cueca, our national dance. Also we have lot mythology along the country, for example in Chiloe.

    Some main characteristics that are attributable at chileans are be unpunctual, kind when we receive some foreinger but when they come from Bolivia o especially from Perú, we don`t characterize for be polite. About this aspect we must be ashamed.
    Referring at 11th of september, the events that occurred in this date, don`t affect me directly, because in my family doesn`t occurred greatest misfortunes. But I think that is a event very important becaused marked the country and guided the way that followed later that . And we can`t forget many deaths that occurred on that date and the political changes that experiment the country which affected to the population, some people supports these changes and other people don`t. These opinions generate many conflicts today.
