domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

My experience learning English at the university

Currently worldwide the communication between different cultures is very important, because allows each nation arise with the knowledge gained by itself and supplementing with the knowledge of other countries. For this, the form of communication most used now is the English. It is used as universal language in various forms of communications, it is not only used at time of travel, also is used permanently in jobs, when we read the instructions of one product, in student organizations; how are the schools, institutes, universities, among which we find University of Chile, which uses the english in various faculties and carrers, including ours, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

When I sign in the faculty, in the moment to take the first english test for qualify us and categorize us at some level, I did not think that the english was so necessary for the carrer. In these test I was assigned to Begginer, and I learned so new things and remembered things that I learned ever in the high school and I had forgotten. Then, I continued with Pre-intermediate and learned aspects of pronunciation than I unknown throughout and I reinforced other aspects of the language.

After that, in other courses for example in Biologia, made us read many papers and talk of them. Also made us investigate to different jobs and we must used the information more current available to its develop, but all these information was in English, and realized the importance of understanding good this language and the impediment that I will have through the carrer if I will not known it; and will be most difficult still, if in the future, I travel by reasons of study. For that reason I decided took the course of English pilot, for improve my english and understand better the papers and everything related to new information that it is available only in English.

In conclusion, in the time that I`ve been at the university, I understand the necessary that is learn english and the opportunities that give me the university through its various courses to promote the learning of this language, and the importance that acquiring currently, in a world so competitive. This way able to acquire the knowledge necessary for know and understand the lastest discoveries in each area, which only are available in English, and able to communicate with more people of other countries, not only persons that speak english, also people of countries that talk another language as german, Italian, french, among others.

sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2009

Challenges in your discipline.

In a changing world as the current, there are many aspects that are conected, and influence the development of these discipline and must be considered in the moment of think changes in our discipline along the time.
One of the areas whit more influence is the technology, because each new discovery can change completely the development or direction of a problem in a patient, we need to actualize constantly to learn to use it properly and learn to take advantage of it.

Also the education has changed, we can appreciate in the people and generally the social matters have focused more on the issue of protecting or abuse animal, which directly affects our career because we are required a better performance and know how to respond to concerns that may arise In this area. The people have more awareness in the regarding animal welfare than before. This is corroborates with an increase in veterinary consultations or simply measuring the amount of questions to us, from our acquaintances and friends, still being students.

The education has increased, however there are still sectors that lack education in our area (education of animals), and believe in many myths and solutions to problems in a more rustic forms, for exaple; add different things to the skin of animals to treat scabies how burnt oil. Or lack of education regarding animal reproduction, because animals are not sterilized, even having resources to do it, or economic ease that is given in some places, and the puppies are abandoned to their fate in different places, having some more luck than others.

To resolve this situation, I will increase the education, starting in schools with the young children, alter that I will disemínate information by all means that will to my disposal about care and tenure responsable of animals.
This is one of challenges more difficult to face, and the tecnology can provide us much in this aspect, because in terms of dissemination of information is very rapid and efficient.

We must adapt to change and progress in each area,to act more efficiently and achieve results the best possible with the tools we have at our disposal.

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009


I consider that in my faculty, there are a good basic infrastructure, because have the minimum requirements necessary for educated, the necessary hygienic services and it have some safety equipment for the situations to wich we are exposed to work with animals.

However, I think that there are some things that would be best, how the laboratories, because they not provide the conditions necessary to learn and fully apply the knowledge learned in theory classes. And the implements awarded in each one, are not enough for the number of students registered in subjects that require the use of laboratory.

One of the laboratories most defective are the laboratorie of Histology. It is implemented whit microscopes very old, and there are very few for the big number of students. I think that would be good increase the number of microscopes and renew, because when the students use it, they must divided into groups to go in different times.

If the University purchased more microscopes, it would be very useful for the clsses and allow us to use in times available for each student, and thus strengthen according to the understanding of each.

Other laboratory that would be improved is the anatomy, because the samples are few compared to the number of students, and some they are not very good, quality due to the large amounts of times they are used and the ventilation isn`t good.

If this aspects be improved, the education in the faculty can be better, and the leanrning woul be most easy and practice.

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

Unique wildlife on Robinson Crusoe islands at risk from goats and brambles.

The native wildlife on Robinson Crusoe, is in the edge of annihilation.
It is into the Pacific ocean and have an extraordinary number of unique plants and animals, which they aren`t in other places to the world and are threated by aliens invaders .
An example of its wildlife is the Juan Fernández firecrown , a tiny hummingbird found solely on Robinson Crusoe island, and is one of the rarest birds in the world, is forced to go out to the last 250 hectareas of forest to find food in the village gardens , but in those places is attacked by domestic cats.

The first problems came when the island was discovered because the overgrazing by goats, cattle, sheep, horses and rabbits affected causing an irreversible erosion. The rats came too,that become in predadors of birds.
Also new plants arrived whit the immigrants, and colonized the land and expelled the vegetation which had begun to develop for more than 4 million years.
The South American Coati were released here to provide a wildlife more interesting when the island were designated a national park in the 1930s, but became in predators of a seabird which only nests in burrows. Later, brought the European blackberry, that grows into enormous tickets, smothering native trees.

The scientists reached a drastic consensus to support the conservation of the island: shoot the goats and put poison for rats.

Everybody agrees that to maintain the heritage of the island, must act now.

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2009

My favourite animal

My favourite animal is the Panda. I know it since I was a girl, because it is an animal so known for its beauty and tenderness, these features do it my favourite animal ,and especially value it by the large decrease in its population, for different reasons , as is the illicit trade and overexploitation of its habitat.

This animal is a mammal omnivorous, of color white and black.

It`s an animal of robust composure, measure 1.80m in length, with a small tail. It weighs appoximadetly 135kg.
Their fur is dense, thick and white, exept its feet and ears that are black, as the eye contour.

They inhabit the dense forests of bamboo and conifers, cold and wet forests, in the esat of Tibet and the Southeast of China.
Its food: originally was believed that lived alone bamboo, but now known that they use more types of food herbs, gentian, lily, saffron, as well as fish, rodents and birds.

The reproduction is viviparous. The number of offspring are one or two, and they born blind, disabled and very small.

Its life is prolonged approximately 15 years, but in captivity they can live 30 years.

About their behavior, the pandas are animals so lonely, except in mating season. Spend their lives generally in soil, However, climb trees when pursued by different animals.

These are some features of this animal, which with its beauty, tenderness and tremendous passivity, has become in my favourite animal and also for so many people more.