jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

Unique wildlife on Robinson Crusoe islands at risk from goats and brambles.

The native wildlife on Robinson Crusoe, is in the edge of annihilation.
It is into the Pacific ocean and have an extraordinary number of unique plants and animals, which they aren`t in other places to the world and are threated by aliens invaders .
An example of its wildlife is the Juan Fernández firecrown , a tiny hummingbird found solely on Robinson Crusoe island, and is one of the rarest birds in the world, is forced to go out to the last 250 hectareas of forest to find food in the village gardens , but in those places is attacked by domestic cats.

The first problems came when the island was discovered because the overgrazing by goats, cattle, sheep, horses and rabbits affected causing an irreversible erosion. The rats came too,that become in predadors of birds.
Also new plants arrived whit the immigrants, and colonized the land and expelled the vegetation which had begun to develop for more than 4 million years.
The South American Coati were released here to provide a wildlife more interesting when the island were designated a national park in the 1930s, but became in predators of a seabird which only nests in burrows. Later, brought the European blackberry, that grows into enormous tickets, smothering native trees.

The scientists reached a drastic consensus to support the conservation of the island: shoot the goats and put poison for rats.

Everybody agrees that to maintain the heritage of the island, must act now.

2 comentarios:

  1. http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/nov/16/conservation-endangeredspecies

  2. Hi carola!!

    I am agree preserve the heritage of the island is the most important..

    See you ;)
