sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2009

Challenges in your discipline.

In a changing world as the current, there are many aspects that are conected, and influence the development of these discipline and must be considered in the moment of think changes in our discipline along the time.
One of the areas whit more influence is the technology, because each new discovery can change completely the development or direction of a problem in a patient, we need to actualize constantly to learn to use it properly and learn to take advantage of it.

Also the education has changed, we can appreciate in the people and generally the social matters have focused more on the issue of protecting or abuse animal, which directly affects our career because we are required a better performance and know how to respond to concerns that may arise In this area. The people have more awareness in the regarding animal welfare than before. This is corroborates with an increase in veterinary consultations or simply measuring the amount of questions to us, from our acquaintances and friends, still being students.

The education has increased, however there are still sectors that lack education in our area (education of animals), and believe in many myths and solutions to problems in a more rustic forms, for exaple; add different things to the skin of animals to treat scabies how burnt oil. Or lack of education regarding animal reproduction, because animals are not sterilized, even having resources to do it, or economic ease that is given in some places, and the puppies are abandoned to their fate in different places, having some more luck than others.

To resolve this situation, I will increase the education, starting in schools with the young children, alter that I will disemínate information by all means that will to my disposal about care and tenure responsable of animals.
This is one of challenges more difficult to face, and the tecnology can provide us much in this aspect, because in terms of dissemination of information is very rapid and efficient.

We must adapt to change and progress in each area,to act more efficiently and achieve results the best possible with the tools we have at our disposal.

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